5 Tips to Help Prevent Spring Allergies Indoors

The past Florida winter had been colder than usual, which may have caused some trees and plants to release pollen this spring. This isn’t good news if you have allergies. We have compiled some tips below to help you keep the pollens out and allergens at bay this spring season. · Keep your windows closed during times of high pollen count . Enjoying the fresh spring air is understandable, but if you’re one with sensitivity to pollen and other allergens, it might be better to keep your windows closed and turn on your A/C. Fans are an alternative to keep you cool, but they can stir up dust and aggravate your allergies. · Bathe your pets before letting them inside the house . Pollen and dirt can get trapped in your pets’ fur and paws, which can transfer inside your home when they get in and shake or play. Be sure to bathe them every time they have been outdoors. Like your pets, pollen and dirt can also get trapped in your hair or clothes, so also be sure to wash yourself often after spe...