5 Things to Do When Your Heater Breaks Down

The hurricane season can cause bouts of bad weather even to the Sunshine State. One of the worst things that can happen during this time of the year is your heater’s breakdown. To help prevent this from happening, we have compiled some tips for you below. · Inspect your heater. Prevention is always better than cure, so it’s much better to have your heater checked before an actual breakdown. If it shuts off during hurricane season, you can try checking the filters and clean or replace them if there is clogging. For advanced cases, it would be best to contact a professional. You might accidentally damage your heater if you try to fix the problem yourself. · Check your electrical box. You may have accidentally flipped off the switch of your heating system. After inspecting your heater, check the breakers and switches in your electrical box. · Inspect your thermostat. Setting your thermostat properly is a great help to regularize your home temperature. Adjust your th...