Your 2019 Southwest Florida A/C Maintenance Checklist!
Keeping your air conditioners well-maintained is very essential for the units to work effectively and efficiently throughout this 2019, especially in the areas of Southwest Florida. For a healthier air and family, we should place importance on cooling system maintenance. Little did we know that our air conditioner's filters, coils, and fins also need a regular check-up. Here are the things that may happen if you fail to pay attention to cleaning or replacing your air conditioners: 1. Allergy 2. Asthma 3. Molds 4. Indoor air pollution 5. Steady decline in performance 6. Energy use steadily increases Consider the following for your 2019 Southwest Florida A/C Maintenance Checklist: Call Caloosa Cooling for your maintenance check up and needs. 1. Filters - Consider cleaning or replacement. Air that bypasses the filter can carry dirt straight into the evaporator coil and harm the coil's heat-absorbing capacity. As per research, a clean filter can lower your air condit...